
The story you are about to read may or may not be fiction. As a matter of fact, what you’re about to read may or may not even be a story. To be perfectly honest, you may or may not be able to read and this assumption may or may not be a very expensive one. In the same vein, I may or may not be assuming, I may or may not have actual facts to back up my earlier postulation that you may or may not be able to read but if you’re still reading this, then I may … Continue reading ComPaireasons

New yeah?

Hey Guys, Happy New Year and all that. No really, we at TSC wish you the best of the year 2013. There isn’t much to say on how to achieve your goals, make resolutions and all that, we don’t know jack about that kinda life. We hardly make plans which is why the three of us don’t wear boxers or briefs. -__- Act like you didn’t just mull over that. “2013 is going to be THAT year!” Familiar words right? Next time someone says this, ask them to expatiate. You’ll get stuff like “I don’t know but I feel this … Continue reading New yeah?