Food Porn – @mimiakuse



And again I say, Dodo.

Yes, Dodo deserves to be spelt with with a capital D.

You may refer to it as the English word ‘plantain’ but it doesn’t quite roll off your tongue like Dodo.

Dodo is perfect in all its ways.

When it is sliced into those juicy chunks, slighty spiced before being placed into that deathly hot oil…

Soon after, the golden goodness that emerges can be compared to not one single thing on the surface of this earth.


Dodo + a rich salad will open you up to a deeper understanding of life

Dodo is caring.

When you are walking down the street, and all is not well, the unsupressable aroma of Mama Bashirat’s roasted plaintain makes it okay. As it wafts up, over, and under you, it wraps you around and you let out that satisfied sigh.

She hands you the slightly charred bolé on a torn piece of newspaper and your eye catches part of the headlines on embezzlement of funds by the government  and the bolé seems to pat you on the back, taking away your frustrations with each bite you take.

Dodo enlivens

Like a human portrait without colour in the eyes, so is food without dodo.

Be it yam pottage or moin moin, the inclusion of dodo is like the breath of life to these meals. The texture that your tongue encounters accompanied by the surprise sweetness that slides ever so gently down your throat as you swallow is an encounter you won’t be quick to forget

Dodo does not judge.

Whichever way you decide to swing,

Be it intercontinental with crisp French fries and garlic mayo or you want to jiggy with it traditionally with a peppery asun and kidney sauce, dodo is open minded at all times.

 VLUU L200  / Samsung L200

Dodo + asun has been known to cause an increase in level of endorphins

Dodo is good to you

Dodo doesn’t ask questions

Dodo knows you may stray sometimes

You may even leave and say you’ll never be back

But Dodo will be there waiting for you, not if, but when you crawl back.

Because Dodo is faithful.


Dodo of life and destiny


Please, do remember that you can nominate this blog in the Nigerian Blog Awards by clicking here , following the instructions and inserting in the categories you deem fit, especially the “Best Humour Blog” Thanks so much

33 thoughts on “Food Porn – @mimiakuse

  1. LooooL… And that day when dodo proposes… Will you say yes :o? This write up goes deeper than dodo for me. And hey what do u know I’m having dodo for lunch :D.


  2. “Dodo + a rich salad will open you up to a deeper understanding of life” lol! Gotta love that. I don’t agree with “Mama Bashirat’s roasted plaintain”, roasted plantain is not like DODO. But yeah Dodo does deserve and ode of its own. I endorse this wholeheartedly. 🙂


  3. My favorite ‘more-than-just’ food! Yay!!! You found someone who appreciates you just as much as I do (never more than, never). Many who don’t know your now know you’re an important companion in times of need and crisis. All competition for your love and attention are welcome as you ‘do not judge’. We, your lovers, have learnt a lot from you and we are happy to share the love too.

    Thank you, Mimi, for this! Thank you! Thank you!!


  4. Dodo is life,Dodo uplifts you…a few bites will open a portal to another world of plantainy goodness and i’m glad this article was done…it’s AWESOME!


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